Free Books from Marilyn Vix during “Read an Ebook Week!”

For over ten years, Smashwords has been doing this promo to help promote ebooks and reading. It’s kind of weird to look back at the wild days of ebooks’ golden years, back when KDP was first starting out and free copies helped get people used to the idea of ereaders. I remember people loading up their readers with free books and then realizing, “Wait, when will I have time to read all these?” What a great problem to have.

So, I’m going to give you that problem. It’s time to load up your ereader or phone with some great books. I’m offering two books into the mix. If you love spicy paranormal romances or a short erotic steampunk tale, I’ve got the links for you. I’m offering the first novella in my Beware of Warlocks series for those of you that might have missed it, are just discovering me, or hey, maybe you’d just like a free quick read. Also, I do delve into other tangents of writing, and thought “Love in One Act” is a great way to discover some of my steampunk and historical romantic style.

Author Note: Smashwords is an official retailer of Marilyn Vix books. It is a safe download site. The links on my official website are endorsed by myself as official copies of my book and are not pirated.

Never Marry A Warlock

Catherine walks in on her husband in bed with her best friend. What is a woman to do? It helps that she is a witch. Unfortunately, so is her husband. Before you can say spell battle, Catherine high tails it up the coast of California to clear her head. Lucky for her, she finds an Aussie hitchhiker. Together, she can eventually face her husband in the awaiting spell battle. Can she have a little fun with her new fond boy toy, or will he get scorched in the foreplay?

Love in One Act

Elizabeth Bonicetti, a Victorian London actress, is propositioned by a young man, Mr. Lionel Conner, to be his first, and to teach him the finer points of love to be ready for his new wife. Trying to not let her feelings get in the way, she is determined to teach the “lessons” without becoming attached. But she can’t help but fall for the young Airship captain. Determined to keep their relationship temporary, she continues with the “lessons” until their final consummation in which he reveals his secret. Can she still except him after this revelation? Or will she reject him for the secret he refuses to reveal.

I hope you enjoy these new additions to your ebook collection. Please let me know how you liked them in a review or rating on Smashwords or Goodreads. I really love reading your comments. I hope you have an incredible reading week! -Marilyn

PS: If you’d like to see more of the free books available this week, here is the general promo page at Smashwords.

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